From the BBC article (listing what the pompously named "Climate Control Committee" said "we can all do" to reduce carbon emissions):
"...convert natural gas boilers to hydrogen ones."
Er...where does the hydrogen come from?
"...Setting the water temperature in their heating systems to no higher than 55C" Health and Safety Guidance on the prevention of Legionnaires' Disease:
"Water contaminated with the Legionella bacteria can spread Legionnaires’ disease to people who come into contact with it. This infection is a serious, and sometimes fatal pneumonia. To stop Legionnaires disease, we can kill the Legionella bacteria. One of the most common ways to control the risk is through managing water temperatures. Through temperature control, we can prevent Legionella bacteria growth within water systems. Specifically, avoiding danger temperatures. These are temperatures that allow the bacteria to multiply and thrive. To kill Legionella bacteria, you need to make sure that the water is too hot for them to live. You don't need to boil them, but you do need to get them above 60°C."
I once worked in an office where there was an outbreak of Legionnaires' Disease. Fortunately nobody was made seriously ill but an investigation found that "Facilities" management had contributed to the problem by ruling that water should not be heated above 45 degrees C. They said they had done this for "Health & Safety" reasons (to prevent people being scalded) but everybody knew it was simply to save money. We got used to washing our hands in tepid water (not being trusted to run a little cold at the same time) but it nearly cost the company more than a few bob on their leccy bill.
This whole industry is riddled with misinformation and just plain stupidity. Meanwhile we have a government Minister giving audience to a 16 year old schoolgirl and a 14 year old schoolboy both of whom, apparently, are not satisfied that the government will meet their demands. You really couldn't make it up.