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Final 2 - Many Thanks For Earlier Answers

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pantonsteve | 14:26 Fri 18th Oct 2019 | Crosswords
5 Answers
1 some who break down haphazardly [6] a???o?- could it be anyhow if y from yet below is right
2 still they come up not having aspiration [3] ??t - yet ?


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2 Yes, Yet - take the H, aspiration, out of They, then reverse it (come up).
1. Yes - Some = Any and How is an anagram of 'who' (break down). So Anyhow, haphazardly.
1.Yes - any(some) + anagram of who
2.Yes - they minus 'h' (aspiration) reversed
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thank you - would have replied sooner but laptop crashed
Glad I could help.

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Final 2 - Many Thanks For Earlier Answers

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