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How Can You Be Knackered From Doing Nothing

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nailit | 20:36 Fri 12th Feb 2021 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
Had to have this week of work to help out with my mum.
And yet most of it has consisted with just sitting with her (needs 24/7 care) and yet I feel totally knackered. Its not in my nature to sit watching Daytime TV. (I hate TV at the best of times anyway...its inane dribble)

BUT, I feel totally knackered after a week off work.
Im not just a van driver, I spend my days humping heavy crates about and Im actually missing it. Im a manuel worker, not a pen pusher.

How can doing nothing make you feel like this?
Im knackered watching TV all day, just want to sleep when I get the chance.



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It's quite draining because you aren't relaxing, you are tense like a coiled spring and that combined with the worry tires you out.
because its emotionally draining
when my daughter died last year, my husband had nearly 6 months off work with PTSD. He was getting up at 8, watching a couple of hours of TV, going back to bed from 11-2/3 then going to bed at normal time, he was so wrung out
I think this will be mental exhaustion manifesting itself physically. Can you get some fresh air for 5 mins every hour, just a couple of deep breaths might help. Can you leave your mum for 15 mins every two or three hours and have a walk. Eat well and have enough water.
Bednobs that so made me think, how awful for him and you
I hope he's okay now although you'll both never forget
I can do two hours outside on the farm, heavy work and come back in feeling energised. Two hours sat doing accounts and I feel shattered. I think physical inactivity makes you feel more tired than hard work.
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bednobs, so sorry...
didnt know/realise.
Cant imagine the pain, apologise!
Nailit what exactly are you apologising for?
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//Nailit what exactly are you apologising for?//
Been a bit self indulgent and not realising that others have got the same or even more/worse stress than myself.
Cant even begin to imagine what it would be like to loose a child!
You are not being self-indulgent nailit, we all have different crosses to bear sometimes.
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//You are not being self-indulgent nailit, we all have different crosses to bear sometimes.//
Whether we drown in 7 foot of water or 20 foot of water is immaterial. I get that!
Just genuienly didnt know about bednobs situation.
Thats just awful.
Cant even begin to imagine the anguish!
nailit i was not posting to "Outdo" you, or to trample on or diminish your situation in the slightest, not to garner sympathy, merely to illustrate how emotional exhaustion can manifest in physical exhaustion.
Please do not apologise you naana!
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bednobs, I know you didnt post to 'outdo' me etc.
Just so sorry, I had no idea. Im so sorry.
thanks mate. It was unexpected and sudden. Over a year later she's still being looked after by the pathologists - not funeral yet. It's hard
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f fs bednobs,
no funeral yet???
Oh man!
I thought you got rid of your TV?
Behave Luca, Nailit has been sitting with his dying Mum who is at his Sister's house.
Nailit doesn't have a TV but maybe his mum does?
Well done Nailit , look after mum all you can , Good luck to you and all the family.

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