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St Donald Raped! Rioting Amongst Extreme Rt Tories In Middle England

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Peter Pedant | 05:12 Tue 09th Aug 2022 | News
67 Answers
Donald Trump's family confirmed that a house of the father's had been raided by FBI agents searching for retained White House papers.

The law (in the Land of Free that is!) is straightforward. Title in the papers resides in the authorities and are NOT the personal property of the sitting president or thereafter. ABers wgi are not demented will recollect ( dimly perhaps) that this change was effectted after the wholesale destruction of papers during the Nixon admin.

er ABers need a question - is it fair that someone so fair, so dedicated to the good of he people so selfless, should be treated thus?



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has Alex Jones revealed the truth about this story yet ?
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perhaps he will sing it to the Heavens
Question Author
well seriously
they need probably cause for a warrant
so presumably people agree that papers were there
( but only coffee menus, and paper cuttings)
//has Alex Jones revealed the truth about this story yet ?//

I’d imagine that he’s presently otherwise engaged, searching for a receptacle to urinate into after the recent ruling.
Not sure if all the papers will be found, if this from the BBC is anything to go by.

/Stephanie Grisham - a former White House press secretary under Donald Trump - says he "did not handle classified documents properly".

She told CNN: "I watched him do it... I was sat in an airplane with him, watched him go through documents, throw some away, rip some up and put some in his pocket.

"Because I remember specifically thinking I wonder why those go in his pocket."

Officials have previously made the same claim, that the former president illegally ripped up many documents. In a statement at the time, he said he had been cooperating with the National Archives on the investigation./

But with any luck the ones he stuffed into his pockets might reappear?
-- answer removed --
FBI have raided Trump’s estate at mar a lago on the grounds that he is suspected to have kept classified documents there illegally…

a raid like this would have required establishment of probable cause and approval by a federal judge… probably the attorney general too considering his high profile…

obviously we will see what it turns up… his supporters might start killing people again though
//obviously we will see what it turns up… his supporters might start killing people again though//

I reckon they will have anticipated as such and after 6th of January last year I imagine they’d crack down hard on the likes of the Proud Boys etc.
one would hope so but the authorities can only go after the organised ones… plenty of “lone wolves” armed to the teeth
Not only fair but long overdue, still, it's a start.
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spell check phaticus?

But with any luck the ones he stuffed into his pockets might reappear?

he has put papers in his pocket and when he takes them out again, they may reappear - what is difficult about that? even for an ABer?

rule 1 for AB - when you understand, say you dont, anyway

He ripped up on the plane
and others he put into his pocket - and so obviously didnt wish to rip them up , and so Yes they may have been saved
( pocket papers, no animus destruendi - You knew I would go Latiny at some point. Got that from Barmaid you know)
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One good fellla got 7 y
but he was armed
but he wasnt in the Capitol
makes no difference to be honest
In reply to your last paragraph, PP, nobody should ever be raped
Peter Pedant
//spell check phaticus?//

For what?

Unless you want advice on where to place the apostrophes when you’re writing didnt and wasnt?
Alex Jones will wet himself with excitement (if he can't find a bucket), he's a mate of Donald's isn't he?
When you remember what you left in your safe …
Question Author
I am incontinent with laughter
the machine swings into action pretty damn quick
Here is the judge who signed the warrant being sligged off for representing Epstein employees
You've got 90 days left. Enjoy it while you can.
90 days until what Spice?
Mid-terms. Most of the crooks that seem to be admired on here will be gone.
Then there will be some real, honest inquiries. Painful to the AB clown troupe. Like I say, enjoy it while you still can. You will be eating humble pie for at least 6yrs. ticktock

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