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Clue Chain 2

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miser | 07:48 Sat 24th Feb 2024 | Crosswords
1611 Answers

 The idea of the game is that the setter poses an original home made clue which everybody is invited to solve. The poster who solves the clue first (hopefully identified by the setter) is then invited to post their own original clue. 



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Well done Dave ✔

rank outsiders leave answerbank to become hopefuls (8)



Going out shortly, so an easy one -

Shining, starting with flat fish followed by little worker.  (9)




Grass cutter didnt do a good job on lawn. Drunk maybe? (4,3)

If you think you're right, carry on. I have to go out for an hour ..😀

Half cut

Once every 4 it's not far now


Leap year?

Of course.

What are you going to do on your extra day.

Leap about about a bit, maybe..😁

Home devotee with slate, is immature. (9)

? Infantile

Yes, Haz! 😀

Pyramids nearby Zac, Sue and Alan are disturbed without one of the first.   4 and 5.


Suez Canal?

Correct, Patsy 😊

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Clue Chain 2

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