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Clue Chain 2

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miser | 07:48 Sat 24th Feb 2024 | Crosswords
1611 Answers

 The idea of the game is that the setter poses an original home made clue which everybody is invited to solve. The poster who solves the clue first (hopefully identified by the setter) is then invited to post their own original clue. 



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Well done, Ellie 😊 You got to the bottom of it!

I just got it! But seen Ellie got there first..😁

 excellent returning thanks for an award (5)


No, Haz


Yes Patsy 

Old priest inside church is an ancient object?(5)


I'm off to bed if anyone wants to post a qn in my place

One for Ellie .....

A teacher?  I don't think so but he has a lot of little kids in his group.  (8)


'Morning Patsy😊  No, but you are near.

Morning, Haz x


No - think kids.


Yes 😊 🐐

Good clue! 😁 

Find an answer to latter part of bible, then you'll be debt free! (7)


That was quick! 😄

Well done, Mallyh.

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Clue Chain 2

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