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Clue Chain 5

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miser | 07:29 Tue 28th May 2024 | Crosswords
1315 Answers

The idea of the game is that the setter poses an original home made clue which everybody is invited to solve. The poster who solves the clue first (hopefully identified by the setter) is then invited to post their own original clue. 

New contributors are very welcome

Criminal brutality? Anyhow there's no way out! (9)



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Cock a doodle doo

Good morning😉

Yes, Johnny  ...  Vivaldi correct 😊

Total love must include birds (4)

Emus ?


Thanks 😊

Bravery will see a hundred people belonging to us grow old  (7)



Yes Ozzy 😊

I think that was correct, damm, now I've got to engage a cog in my head😒

Quietly mix a group (5)

any extra hint ozzie?

Can only think of a group called Pimax but don't think that will be answer  .. as Ozzy won't be around till midnight or so, could someone carry on posting (I'm going out). 😊


all I could get was Paste?

an easy one to be going on with

Are the Spanish after it's return to get over the boundary (5)


stile is correct Ellie 😁

Thanks johnny

was the bovine animal ecstatic when he landed? (4,3,4)

over the moon lol 😂

Yes johnny, glad you like it!

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Clue Chain 5

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