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Clue Chain 5

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miser | 07:29 Tue 28th May 2024 | Crosswords
1315 Answers

The idea of the game is that the setter poses an original home made clue which everybody is invited to solve. The poster who solves the clue first (hopefully identified by the setter) is then invited to post their own original clue. 

New contributors are very welcome

Criminal brutality? Anyhow there's no way out! (9)



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tear receptor to take on  and undertake 8)

? shoulder

correct hazi 😁

tear receptor = to cry on it

also means take on 

also means under take


Thanks 😊  Funny, I worked it out from a different angle, i.e. the receptors in shoulder joints!

Clue:  Looks as though the twitch is preceded by a musical drama - a bit stagey.  (8)


Yes 😊

 is a lemon cooked in pasta making (8)

semolina? anag

I'm going out now so I'll post a qn in case I was correct

a taxi and grip go east for a vegetable (7)

? Cabbage

Sounds as if the baby bovine has a bronzed look - loosely worn. (6)


Yes Patsy 😊

Cabbage was correct, Haz

Mr. Pitney has quota for age (10)


Yes Ellie 😃 

Thanks Patsy

might sound like totals but it's really a tool (4)


Yes Patsy, too easy for you!

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Clue Chain 5

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