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Clue Chain 6

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elliemay1 | 23:24 Fri 28th Jun 2024 | Crosswords
797 Answers

Hazlinny has kindly asked me to start a new Clue Chain post as the last one has disappeared from Latest Posts

The idea of the game is that the setter poses an original home-made clue which everybody is invited to solve.  The poster who solves the clue first (hopefully identified by the setter) is then invited to post their own original clue, easy or cryptic.

Hazlinny's clue: It's not the second or third help which comes to one's assistance.  (5, 3)

My answer: First Aid



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? trooper

I think it could be "general"

^  You're probably correct 😊

Expands elastic material (7)



Elastic = anagram indicator.

Elastic material = definition 

Why waste words 😉

Sounds as though the chasing game isn't significant.  (7)

Trivial (pursuit)?

Yes 😊

Oh dammit, clue time from me?😒

Cultivated a crop of coconut (5)


👍 smarty pants 😊

^^ Clever is my middle name 😄

Clue:  It's likely tiny professional precedes second-class mixed up brother of Cain.  (8)


Yes 😊    


The innocent followed what was said (6)

There are several versions of this clue available on the web

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Clue Chain 6

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