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Romanian Aid Foundation C/D 7 September

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Tuvok | 00:15 Wed 24th Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers

I know its REALLY early to ask this, but its the last one to do so I want to send it off rather than have it sitting.

Answer must containt SUN.  However, I have 3 answers, so want ABs opinion on the best fit.

"Channel 4 property programme"

I have:

Sun, Sea and Selling Houses

A New Life in the Sun

A Place in the Sun

I've never watched any of these, so don't know which would be the best one to use!



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I've never watched any of them either but I think that 'A New Life in the Sun' can quickly be eliminated, as it's not specifically a property programme:

'Sun, Sea and Selling Houses' was described as a docu-soap, which only aired between 2017 and 2018.  So that doesn't really seem to fit the bill either:

'A Place in the Sun' though is still in production and specifically centred around property choices:
So that's what I'd opt for.

And I would concur with the above.

A place in the sun would also be my choice.

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Romanian Aid Foundation C/D 7 September

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