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Ev 1653

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professorplum13 | 09:57 Mon 29th Jul 2024 | Crosswords
15 Answers

Full grid and the word connecting the extras from the downs, but no idea what to do next....can't even see the petitioner or the king....any help please?



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Think of a very famous(and old) film where the title,two words, starts with the connecting word. Once you have that, check the plot, story....

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Thank you ...I have the film and the petitioner now...and can see the first move .. but not the 2nd ?

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Now I see it....

Professorplum, glad you had all the right moves! 

I can't see the first move but I have the second move. Any hints?Thanks

The peitioner can replace PART of an existing entry, and it's in in a quite likely position...

The king replaces the first part of another entry - the petitioner stays where he is (although I'm pretty sure the typo is obvious).

Sorry about the typo, I just hope it was so glaring it was immediately obvious! 

I must have something wrong because I can't see the first move.😩

Tom can't, but J???? can (can you?).

Yes I could always see that but when I move him from his original position , there are nonwords left in  rows 9 and 10.



Loki, my words - in rows 9 and 10 - are valid. Did you remember that the preamble says 'ignoring blank cells'? 


Got it now! Thanks.

Thanks, Loki. I went off to check every single one of the words left after I'd taken out the king. Glad yours are all fine.

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Ev 1653

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