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Clue Chain 7

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Hazlinny | 14:31 Wed 31st Jul 2024 | Crosswords
1124 Answers

Starting Clue Chain 7 - all welcome 😊

The idea of the game is that the setter poses an original home-made clue which everybody is invited to solve.  The poster who solves the clue first (hopefully identified by the setter) is then invited to post their own original clue, easy or cryptic.  If nobody has answered the clue within 30 minutes, the setter should post a further hint and so on until the clue is solved.

Clue:  Old federal prison where Carlos might have added an extra cuppa.  (8)




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Question Author

? Her ring

Herring is correct, well done (or was it just too easy?😁)


Question Author

Thanks 😊 .. not particularly easy, Canary!

Half of sea predator found in Outer Hebrides moving to the Caribbean after transferring second to fourth.  (9)

Wow, that took a bit of untangling, but I think it's :-

Barra ---- Cuba. ---> Barracuda ????

Question Author

Well done Canary 😊  Barra  ......   Cuba/Cuda (change 2nd letter b to 4th - d)  ... 'tis a bit complex!

Crocus heart winner for American sea creature (7)

Question Author

? Oc top us

Yes, octopus is correct, well done hazlinny. 😊😊😊😊😊

Question Author

Thanks 😊

An aspect, if it's not fiction or what? (6)

Question Author

Hint 1:  Also in Mathematics

Question Author

Hint 2:  Max ?  ....     could you make it up?

Leaving now so please carry on posting after solving, thanks.


Poster on this site bow down to the Dioceses in this town 8

Posters on this site bow down to the Dioceses in this town 8

Although I couldn't completely parse it, I thought Aberdeen, but that's a city. Then when you pluralised it I though Abersoch but that's a mere village.  I must away for some sleep to sharpen up. Be back much later.

Aberdeen is correct . And I must admit I  was very tired when I posted it having a long day decorating. 😵‍💫

Ooops, I never thought that would be right so went out shopping. Apologies for holding up the line. Here's a clue:-


Gas share sponsor in groom before a model rules the US. (9)

Question Author

Can we have a hint, please, Canary?

Soz, I'm holding up again.

Word pattern  ? R ? ? I ? ? N ?

... and you need to know what name was used when Gas was privatised, by the 1986 TV adverts for it.

ronald reagan

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Clue Chain 7

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