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Clue Chain 7

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Hazlinny | 14:31 Wed 31st Jul 2024 | Crosswords
1124 Answers

Starting Clue Chain 7 - all welcome 😊

The idea of the game is that the setter poses an original home-made clue which everybody is invited to solve.  The poster who solves the clue first (hopefully identified by the setter) is then invited to post their own original clue, easy or cryptic.  If nobody has answered the clue within 30 minutes, the setter should post a further hint and so on until the clue is solved.

Clue:  Old federal prison where Carlos might have added an extra cuppa.  (8)




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Not Ronald Regan, but in the right ballpark.

Question Author


That is correct, well done 😊


Groom= PREEN

Gas sponsor name = SID

Model = T (as in Model T Ford)


Question Author

Thanks 😊  That was difficult without the hint 😊

In the twinkling of an eye, one of sixty can be fractured.  (5, 6)


split second ?

Question Author

Yes ....  too easy for the Canary 🐤


Warm up a tress for current event (8) or (4,4)

P.S. I've just realised it may not be a current event where you live. But nevertheless much in the news recently. Phew!

Question Author

? Heatwave

Yes hazlinny, well done 😊

Question Author

Thanks 😊

To effect the milk process sounds like you go quickly under the forehead.  (10)   

pasteurise, past your eyes

Question Author

Yes, Ellie 😊

mum follows a tot for a play (5)

drama    dram (m)a ?

yes, canary

I probably should have said 'sounds as if'

Thank you elliemay 😊

£500 for my French guide (6)

mon key

Correct elliemay, well done 😊

Flippant dial it back with a confused old French coin (9)

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