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Telegraph Puzzles Subscription

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GetOverIt | 10:06 Fri 09th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
2 Answers


I took out a telegraph puzzles subscription on my phone. There was an off to get a year for 50p or a £1 I think. Now, it is trying to renew at £50 a year. Anyone else do this, and whats the easiest way to get out of it and make sure it doesn't auto renew. 

Can I just delete the app?

I did try to ring them but the " press 2 for digital subscriptions" didn't register and I got cut off.





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Its okay - I've sorted it. I got through on a landline where their system registered the key presses. They offered me a price of £10 a year, then when I declined, an offer of £5 a year.

Since I only usually played the Panagram puzzle, I declined so I am not in this position again next year.

I hate when companies offer big discounts to customers when they're not happy with their service. (Sky TV is notorious for this, for example.) If they can knock a £50 fee down to a fiver just to keep a customer, then why is it £50 in the first place? Anyway, rant over haha, I think you did the right thing. 

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Telegraph Puzzles Subscription

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