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Spectator N0 2666 By Fieldfare

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Matakari | 14:05 Fri 09th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
9 Answers

Good afternoon, I’m stuck on the last five for which I would welcome help, thanks!

24a    Forage to bring back European meat product (5)  ET??E

30a    Team welcoming hard home fixtures (7)  ??AR??S

37a    Tell the last two to leave the table (5) C????

21d    Hiding nothing, surgeon’s restoring health (9) : D?S?U?IN?

22d    One commanding men does protect queen (7): ?P???E?



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24a Etape - e + pate

30aHearths (H in H)earts

22d Orderer (O.R. + deer(does) around R(egina)

21d Obscuring

Sorry about my typo, Matakari, glad JJ was around..

PS You got answers, confirmations, on your Private Eye thread.

Question Author

Many thanks, JJ109 and NACW! I would like confirmation for the following to complete this puzzle.

21a Address to composer by director excelled (7) : OV?RTO? (OVERTOP)

10a R?E?        (REEF)

And thanks also for the answers and confirmations re the last Eye crossword!

23a ?I?O?OR

42a G?A?N?   ( GRANNY )

Thanks, Matakari.

21 How are you making Overtop work? The answer is Overdid (so you'll need to correct 13 D too!)

10 Reef, yes.

42 Granny, yes.

23 Windso, so you obviously have a wrong letter there too!

...23 Windsor, sorry.

Question Author

Grateful for the help!

Thanks, Matakari. I quite enjoyed this puzzle, mainly because there were quite a few good clues. The theme had been done before, of course, but it was fairly satisfying to get everything tied up(!)...

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Spectator N0 2666 By Fieldfare

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