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Scottish Field (Sept)

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johnT | 14:56 Fri 09th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
4 Answers

Clues annotated with (Sc) will be a Scottish or Scottish dialect word, term or slang. If not annotated (Sc) then it's a normal British/English word or term. I can't guarantee given letters are correct yet as it's early days.


3d. Distress (6) ?A????

5d. A spider (Sc) (8) ????????

9a. Place between (8) I???R?O?

13a. Unsteady (Sc) (6) ??G?T?

17a. Lemonade (Sc) (7) ???O?S?

24d. Sleeping place shared by shift workers (6) ??T?E?

27a A tie that moves along rope to tighten (8) ????????          I thought of noose or grommet but they don't fit.




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5 Attercap?

13 Coglie (though my Scottish dictionary has it with 2 Gs, but I know there are often variations.)

17 Sproosh

27a Slipknot ?

3d danger?

5 can also be "ettercap".

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Scottish Field (Sept)

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