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Scottish Field (Sept) 2

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johnT | 15:44 Fri 09th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
9 Answers

Clues annotated with (Sc) will be a Scottish or Scottish dialect word, term or slang. If not annotated (Sc) then it's a normal British/English word or term. I can't guarantee given letters are correct yet as it's early days.

2d. Type of cardigan (6) ?O????                                                 I have BOLERO but 10a is making me think again! If 10a is two words THE FIRTH, then lettercount for 2d will be ?O?F??

10a. Estuary of Forth (8) ?H?E???H                                           I always just knew it as The Firth of Forth (BTW THEFIRTH actually fits if my 2d is wrong, but clue doesn't allude to two words???).

12a. One who keeps for a while (8) ?O?O???R                       4th letter 0 will be incorrect if 2d is not BOLERO

14a. A comet (7) ?E???S?

15d. Digital communication app (8) ??A?????

21d. Constantly (Sc) (6) E?E???





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12aBorrower ?

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For 12a was looking at FOSTERER but BORROWER makes more sense. Especially if 3d is HARROW instead of DANGER.

Also means 2d Type of cardigan (6) is ?O?F?R assuming 10a is THEFIRTH rather than a single word something else.

2 Woolly is given under cardigan, in Bradford's Crossword dictionary.

15d Snapchat?

3d very iffy - golfer cardigan

21d everly

15d could also be whatsapp

I'm confused as some of your suggestions don't fut your patterns.

As you now have some answers can you repost the remaining clues and patterns please.


14. Neowise

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Scottish Field (Sept) 2

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