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Dt 30683 9 Across

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barmy | 11:14 Sat 10th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
4 Answers

Longer and shorter periods reversed on Greek letter 5 letters.

I am working to the answer being a Greek letter ending in a but there are 7 and I can't fit any into the down clue. Am I on the wrong track, any help appreciated 




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Omega, Greek letter - that has Age, a long period, and Mo, a short period, both reversed.
11:20 Sat 10th Aug 2024

omega if you accept mo = month

Omega, Greek letter - that has Age, a long period, and Mo, a short period, both reversed.

You could also argue mo = moment, as in "just a mo"

Barmy, glad I could help. Mo, a short period of time, pops up fairly often in the puzzles I do.

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Dt 30683 9 Across

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