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Scottish Field (August) 3

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johnT | 16:35 Fri 09th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
7 Answers

Clues annotated with (Sc) will be a Scottish or Scottish dialect word, term or slang. If not annotated (Sc) then it's a normal British/English word or term. I can't guarantee given letters are correct yet as it's early days.

Two left (I think!)


14a. A comet (7) ?E???S?

15d. Digital communication app (8) ??A?S?P?

Thanks for SNAPCHAT suggestion for 15d, but I'm presently happy with answers giving adjoining letters.

20a gives letter A - 20a. Musically connected (6) ?E???O and I have LEGATO

25a. gives letter S - 25a. Walk sunwise round someone to bring luck (6) ?E???L and I have DEASIL

27a. gives letter P - 27a. A tie that moves along rope to tighten (8) ?L???N?T and I have SLIPKNOT

So looking for answer to 15d other than SNAPCHAT (assuming all other answers are wrong)




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15 Whatsapp

15 Whatsapp

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Thanks for Whatsapp

That means:

14a. A comet (7) is ?E?W?S?

Anyone ever heard of a comet called Key West (although yet again clue only alludes to a one word answer)?



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Look no more!

The comet is called NEOWISE

stuck on one - 19d) lame (sc) 7  ?A?P?T?   - assuming all other letters are correct of course

Any help much appreciated

Many thanks for the answer - much appreciated - i always thought it was haupity!

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Scottish Field (August) 3

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