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Daij | 21:00 Wed 14th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
7 Answers

22a Soldier want sh@g with one knocked out on a routine basis (9)


9a Throttle head of Theresa? (6)


15a Happening straight before Truss's debut (5)


23d City needs dataon eastern state (6)



Thanks in advance



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22 Regularly

9 (S) Mother

15 Event - Even+T(russ)

23 Geneva - Gen E VA

22 Is Regular( soldier) +L(a)y, one knocked out of ****

Question Author

Thanks very much for your help

You're very welcome. I did the puzzle this evening, felt it was slightly harder than usual! 

15D - Minister 'B' caught in mid-denial perhaps (2,8). I have E? M?L???N?. Thanks.


Ed Miliband - anagram

Thank you! Could not work out the anagram having decided that the 2 letter word was 'en'. Been driving me nuts!

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