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The Times 28992

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TioMateo | 21:50 Wed 14th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
5 Answers

Well, I'm still struggling (possibly caused by dental anaesthetic) :-


City quartermaster and brigadier initially infiltrating battery (5) A?A??


Bother about one's deceptively spacious transport? (6) ???D?S


Dodgy report, arguably lacking introduction (7) U?S?U?D.  It looks like UNSOUND (Dodgy), but I can't parse it.



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A q(uartermaster) a(nd) b(attery) A

Unsound, dodgy. Gun Sound, report, loses the first letter,lacking introduction?

..sorry, b(brigadier) inside AA - battery 

2 Tardis, deceptively spacious transport. Is Drat, Ones +Drat, bother, about/reversed.


qab inside AA (battery)

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The Times 28992

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