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Private Eye 785

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Mountainjoe | 13:31 Fri 16th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
9 Answers

8a Arty, virile male, welcomes one after personal problem (8)


1D Some baby's maladorous crap (7)


Thank you.



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1d some b-ABYS MAL- odorous

8 Bohemian, arty.

Question Author

Thank you very much.

...BO, personal problem + He man, virile male, with I, one, inserted (welcomes).

8 bohemian



1d b-ABYS MAL-adorous

Sorry didn't scroll - again!

Thanks, Captain2, it happens to us all - occasionally.

Lemonjoe, I think you're still forgetting to look at the previous answers on threads!

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Private Eye 785

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