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Eye Crossword N0 785

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Matakari | 14:02 Fri 16th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
5 Answers

Good afternoon, I'm stuck on the following for which I would appreciate help. Thanks in advance!

26a  Flipping one-time great gets award (5) : B???A         ( BAFTA )
27d  Panic causes fellow to cover genital area (4) : ??A?   ( FLAP )



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Bafta (award) = a(one) T(ime) Fab (great) all reversed

F(ellow) lap = flap (panic)

Matakari, have more faith in yourself!

Question Author

Grateful, jj109 and NACW, wish I could manage parsing as you di so ingeniously! I've been trying to unravel the rest of the extra letters for the last EV, but keep meeting stumbling blocks at every turn!

Thanks, Matakari. You were given loads of the EV letters, and some of those definitely form words, give strong indications of words. And the first letters found, from the Across clues, lead to a very common, frequently used, instruction.

I'm sure you'd love to get some of the letters yourself - if we keep just giving you them all, you'll never master the art!

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Eye Crossword N0 785

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