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Help To Untie The Knots Please

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bookperson | 17:47 Fri 16th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
16 Answers

Help please with two of the themed clues - proving too knotty.  23a & 27a.



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Could we please have the clues to 23a and 27a? I think the resident psychic is unavailable due to an unseen event. 😁

Ah, is this The Spectator by any chance?

Question Author

They are both themed, so no clues otherwise I would have given them.  Other themed have been associated with knots.

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Yes Speccie 2666

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Yes Speccie 2666

So it is The Spectator then? Better if you make that clear!

Do you know letter counts and any letters. I might remember what these were. 

Question Author

23a.  ?i?s?o?

27a.  ho???o?

23a Windsor, if the 's' is misplaced ???

23a.  Windsor?


or Bowknot if the H is wrong?

27 Gordian is ringing a bell... but I no longer have my copy.

For 13d maybe try SQUIDGE instead of 'squishy'(?) and the answers you've been given should fit.

It is Squidge, Windsor and Gordian. 

Question Author

Many thanks - it was squishy that threw me!

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Help To Untie The Knots Please

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