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One Politician Finished His Shift Bankrupt (10 Letters)

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horriblehorace | 17:51 Fri 16th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
8 Answers

  help please

One politician finished his shift bankrupt (10 letters)

I have -M---E-I--














I have -m---e























































































































I have -m---


















































Ihavee  -m---e-i--

































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I thought of 'impoverish' but doesn't sound the correct tense

Could be, elliemay

One politician = I MP

finished = OVER

his shift(anagram/move) = ISH

Took me ages ro scroll down through your question 

Bankrupt can also be a verb so impoverish looks fine



Looks good.. to bankrupt is to impoverish

Yes, impoverish is correct, just thought it didn't sound right!

Ah, I see now, 'bankrupt' is a verb in this case

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One Politician Finished His Shift Bankrupt (10 Letters)

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