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Daij | 08:33 Wed 21st Aug 2024 | Crosswords
13 Answers

11a Dismay as China shot shows long range (12)


5d Teaching record with one longing to enthral learner (12)

D?S???L?????12d Revolvers, extremely chunky replicas (8)


17a Larger overall for officer (5-7)

?A??? - ???????

9a Spooner's brown desert bird with outspread feathers (7)F??????

16d Assembly places in the pasts with regularly used arcades (6)



Thanks in advance



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17 Major General - Major+General!

11 Appallachian

9a Fantail (tan fail?)

11 Sorry,there's only one L in the mountain range, I'll need to rethink!

16 Ago aRcAdEs =agorae

11 appalachians


5d C(hunk)Y clones = cyclones

12 cyclones

5 disciplining

5d disciplining

disc i p(l)ining

5d Disc I p-l-ining

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