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Is It Time To Stop The Annual Festival Of "Caribbean Culture"?

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ToraToraTora | 17:20 Mon 26th Aug 2024 | News
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Imagine a festival to celebrate 1,000 years of white culture taking place in London. I know but kid yourself. Firstly I don't think there are enough in London any longer and secondly It wouldn't be allowed to happen. If there was however and violent crimes were committed on day 1, then Rowley's wannabee stormtroopers would have been given free range and...
21:06 Mon 26th Aug 2024

I sympathise with the police but just as they tire of repeating themselves the public tire of living in fear of serious injury from the untouchables.

Robust intervention please, give us back our streets.

Is it time to stop this annual xenophobic rant on answerbank.

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what do you think about the annual festival of violence drugs and murder canary? I suppose that is ok in lefty land is it?

I believe the better-off people living in that area board up their houses and go away for the duration.

As for the participants, passions can run high and there aren't many violent incidents.

103 arrests, 18 assaults on the police, 3 stabbings 1 of which is life threatening - and that was just for yesterday. Once the stats for today are out, there'll be plenty of people glossing over them and spinning that it was a successful weekend.

It is Desky - for the Anarchists 

Other cultures manage to clebrate without too much violence attached. 

I don't think it should be stopped, but organisers and police and councils need to get together to re-think the format.  It's now too big and all in one place.  Perhaps break it up into parts and spread it around more geographically; it would be more pleasant for all concerned - except the dealers and the crooks.


"Is it time to stop this annual xenophobic rant on answerbank."

The rant is not xenophobic. In fact it's not a rant at all. It is a perfectly reasonable question and it get's asked annually because the same issue crops up annually.

Xenophobia is a fear or hatred of strangers or foreigners, or of people from other countries. The people causing this annual mayhem are not strangers, foreigners or from other countries. By and large they are Londoners.

This "Carnival" should never have been allowed to take hold. The place to properly celebrate Carribean culture is in the Carribean where they seem to like that sort of thing. It is nothing but a shambles and causes enormous disruption over  a wide area for the entire Bank Holiday weekend. 

It is an attraction for drug dealers and other undesireables and inevitably leads to violent crime. 

I once worked with somebody who lived in a flat in All Saints Road. Every year she had to leave her flat on the Thursday before BH and go to stay with her mother until Tuesday. On two occasions she returned to find her flat had been burgled and on the second of those occasions her flat and four or five others nearby had been denuded of everything of any value and the place trashed. She wasn't living there the following year.

This time there is a 32 year old mother fighting for her life and a police spokesman said (as they do most years) that the Carnival "had been marred by an unacceptable level of violence". 

"Carribean culture" obviously includes drug dealing and stabbing people. It must do because we're told that's what  the Carnival celebrates and those offfences occur every year.

Local residents should not have to put up with this year after year. They are entitled to enjoy the BH the same as everybody else without fear of being mugged, burgled or stabbed. I suggest those wishing to celebrate Carribean culture should save up for the fare to the Carribean.

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Well said judge, funny how lefties like canary always seems to side with terrorists, drug dealers, murderers and assorted ne'er-do-wells isn't it. Tell you what canary I'll stop bringing this up when there is no crime reported.

18:34 oh do put a sock in it with your left-baiting. You've already made it quite clear what your opinion is from the original post.

Violence, attempted murder... Sounds like most top tier football matches. Perhaps we need to stop all occasions where huge numbers of people amass in a limited area?

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18:49 perhaps it would be less easy to do lefty baiting if tey occasionally side with the good guys.

How about siding with the millions who peacefully enjoy the celebrations, and the huge amounts of cash generated for local businesses in the area? Large gatherings always bring an increase in criminal behaviour. The police should know what to expect by now.

"Sounds like most top tier football matches." No it doesn't. 

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19:02, I side with the residents that have to put up with the "culture" annually. Did you read the judge's post?

I did, and it's unfortunate that kind of thing is allowed to happen, but better organisation and better policing will cure a lot of that, rather than cancelling the whole thing.

Does that mean that you agree with my 18.21 post ,mozz?  Most people have ignored it.

TORATORATORA "Drug dealing, Violence, attempted murder.....sounds like fun!"

From your link, "A man wanted for attempted murder was spotted at the carnival and arrested."

He was wanted for attempted murder, it hadn't happened at the carnival.

How does the number of alleged offences per 100,000 at the carnival compare to the number of offences per 100,000 folk in London on average?


Is it time to stop this annual xenophobic rant on answerbank.

no canary it is so  much fun for the usual suspects to do their er usual dance..... nothing learnt nothing  new

just the usual  far right party poopers

He was wanted for attempted murder, it hadn't happened at the carnival.

shush CBL - you are spoiling TTT's far right fun....

The police after a long civil liberties struggle are  using CCTV and facial  recognition in real  time

Jourdain, absolutely, you were spot on.

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