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Spectator 2669

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Maxxer | 14:18 Thu 29th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
10 Answers

24A lacking energy in orbit (7)

This can only be 'ellipse' but the wordplay does not lead to the answer. Is this yet another editorial gaffe, or have I missed something ? A nice puzzle, though



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... - ellipsis, lacking 'is' - 'ellips' + 'e(nergy)'

An elliptical orbit contains negative energy. 

Help with this last one please.

2dn. Diamond ring tucked into case of rougish doctor (5)


I have RHOM?

Rhomb, a diamond. R (oughis) H with O, round and MB, doctor, inside.

Sorry, Tilly,  Hope you knew what I meant, the case of the word, the outer letters... (I'm not sure either of us has the right spelling, and I don't have my copy to hand).

Aw! Like rhombus!

What a twit I am. Thank you, NAC.

I think Fire is a female. 

Thanks, Tilly2 - I thought you'd see it as a D'oh moment!


PS. I am no good at scrolling, posting, from this fiddly little phone. My O for round should have been O for ring...

roguish 😁

Thanks, Scorpiojo. 

Silly error of mine, Scorpio. 😳

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Spectator 2669

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