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Bbc Quiz : Week 36

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Buenchico | 20:00 Fri 06th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
37 Answers

Good evening, everybody!


It's a 'double middling' week for me, with FOUR out of seven in the grown-ups' quiz


. . . and THREE out of five in the junior one:


So there's plenty of scope for you to do rather better (or worse?) than me!


Your turn, anyway!



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2/7 and 1/5


Just not my week !

Question Author

I'm sure that you must have had far more important things to concentrate on this week, Canary42!

Better luck next week anyway!

4 and 3

Question Author

We're a perfect match, Clover!

Would you prefer a church wedding or a registry office?


Well I got a Cricket question correct 😮... it wasn't a guess... 😏

Main: 4/7
Jnr: 4/5

Question Author

Well done, Arky!

You're in the lead!

More guessing this week - 5/7 & 3/5.

Question Author

Guesses all count, Lie-in King!

Joint top!

Well done!

4/7 v 3/7

3/5 v 4/5

Quite respectable this week - for me that is....

hope you and the furry band are all well.

I was listening to Celtic Heartbeat on Radio Wales, there was a very good group on called Kyson Point "somewhere in Suffolk " so I googled and it turns out it's a lovely nature walk. Do you know it? I've no idea why they chose that name.

I just beat you in the adult's, Buen with 5/7, but  even-stevens in the junior with 3/5.  Have a happy weekend.  :)

Question Author

I feel sure that all of the very best people will have an aggregate score of 7 this week, Haras2 😊

I'd not heard of Kyson Point (the place, that is) but apparently it's on National Trust land near to Woodbridge. (i.e. on the 'posh' side of our county!).

I see from the duo's website that they've performed at the John Peel Centre, so that's something that we've got in common anyway!

The Feline Threesome and I send you best wishes for a lovely week ahead and leave you with this, from Kyson Point, which has a bit of a country feel to it in my opinion:

Question Author

Well done, Jourdain2!

Joint top!

Have a good week!

Thanks for the music Buen, yes they are a no frills country duo.

Evening Chris.






Not the greatest score  : (


Hope this finds you well  ; ))

Question Author

Good evening, Sam.

I'm "as well as can be expected for an old 'un", thank you.  I hope that you're beating all the battles with life's little problems too!

At least you avoided any disasters with your scores this week. Better luck next week though!

Good Evening, Chris!

My scores tonight are 3/7, 3/5

Well, this week has been the best ever! I became a first-time Grandma on Sunday and have been on cloud nine ever since. 

My beautiful new Granddaughter is so perfect and is all I can think about at the moment. I am having lots of Grandma cuddles and enjoying every second.  We are all making sure their pup still gets loads of attention and fuss, and he loves the new addition too. So lovely to see my son with his own wonderful family.

Hoping Chequers, Moonbeam and Tablo are all as perfect as ever and wishing you all a wonderful week ahead :-)

2/7 and 4/5.

Getting better at the kids quiz might show I'm moving into my second childhood.

Karamia's post made for a heart warming read.

Question Author

Hi, Karamia!

Thanks for allowing me to edge ahead of you in the quizzes this week!

The Terrific Trio and I all wish you a good week ahead and send you our warmest congratulations on your happy event! 🚼 🚼 🚼 🚼 🚼 🚼 🚼 🚼 🚼 🚼 🚼 🚼 🚼 🚼 🚼 🚼

Question Author

Well done with that 4/5, Sandy!

(Are you sure that you ever really left your first childhood though?) 😊

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