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Home Insurance

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Giggsie | 17:22 Fri 06th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
25 Answers

Posted in here as think most people see it if wrong please move. Has anyone else got their shock home insurance increase? 
We were £439.00 last year renewal this year £1,959 😳😳. Any recommendations to another company this is with Saga. Tried phoning them but did not reduce by much. Looking to change company. We live out in the sticks so no high risks really. 



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I only do contents & it's quite cheap (I have nothing much of value).

I switched recently from SAGA to Lemonade (🙄) - if you used topcashback comparison tool they were offering £35 cash back - but it takes up to 60 days to come through.

"We live out in the sticks so no high risks really. " - I think that is a factor but hit hit the comparison sites.

here's a relevant article:


Tesco insurance? Try comparison sites.

I had a huge hike last year so changed provider, no increase this year.

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Need to try something nearly 4 times the price from last year. That's house & contents plus legal protection. 
Dread car insurance coming in next. 
thanks for replies so far. 

I'm with Tesco now

I have always found Saga expensive for any insurance. As someone suggested try comparison websites. I cannot remember which but a couple of wellknown ones are not on these. Go to Martin Lewis Money Expert to find out which, and it is well worth looking at that site for insurance.

Try RIAS for car and home contents insurance.

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Thanks going to try comparison sites also ones mentioned on here. Certainly not saga. 

I'm with DirectLine, nowhere near that expensive, the downside being their Customer Serice is abysmal IME.

I've always found LV to be very fair and they are Which? recommended. Both my home and motor cover increased...but not by nearly as much as I thought it might.

I pay about £150 per year (+ 10% for spliiting the bill into monthly payments) for building and contents insurance on my one-bedroom 'starter home', on a 1980's Barratt Homes' development in a small town of approximately 5,000 people.  That's with RIAS:

"We live out in the sticks so no high risks really."
Living out in the sticks can increase the risk, as there is less likelyhood of other residents, Neighbourhood Watch,  keeping an eye out on your area.

Canary, I claimed from DirectLine on a stolen camera and they were excellent. Quick, efficient, and paid up.

Am with Hastings for contents and also car insurance. Excellent company. Easy to get thru to on fone, easy to speak to. Both our insurances went DOWN this year! Would recommend them to anyone.

jno, perhaps I should be more specific - it took me over 50 minutes to get through to the second real person, and she was indeed excellent.  But meanwhile I had been passed round countless holding with either tinny music or recorded messages telling me how wonderful they were. About halfway through this ordeal the first real person I got swore he would put me through to a real person in Accounts but in fact put me back on the recorded message merry-go-round.  

I'm with post office due in 2 months but will be interested in what hike I get.

car insurance is with Tesco which actually went down by £23 a year.

LV works for us.  We have contents and house insurance with them as well as motor

LV was my insurer until this last time when their price went through the roof, more than doubled.

Guess who was cheapest for me, Saga!!

All to do with my age apparently.

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