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marjessica | 14:47 Fri 13th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
16 Answers

Draws toilets, oddly? (4)

State of a small laboratory taking on a graduate? (7)

Win a rare new design of waterproof clothes? (8)

America is back inside 14 from Moscow, perhaps? (7)

paper folding leads to return of social security payment , and I am broke?(7) is that origami??



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2 Alabama - A Lab a MA.

3 Rainwear - anagram!!! 'new design' tells you.

Marj, it'd be easier if there were numbers, any numbers, for the clues.

4. Yes, Origami is Giro, reversed and anagram(broke) of I am.

4 R-US-si-an - if 14 is 'ran'

ties (a draw, odd words in toilets, 1 3 5 & 7)

1 Ties, draws, football matches, say. Alternate letters on T o I l E t S.

Question Author

That's brilliant. I am learning!!

17a Draws toilets, oddly? (4)TIE

29a Northern child I found in farm building? (5) ----n

32a Educational talk about rule, etc, that's been broken? (7) L-----E

29a Supports college grounds, alongside the Cam? (5)

29 Ba-i-rn

which crossword is this please, marjessica?

32 Lecture - anagram!!! 'that's been broken'

Marj, Draws... had already been answered, by a couple of us, yet you posted it again...

Have you any letters please for  Supports college grounds, alongside the Cam? (5)

I know you suggested banks elsewhere but I'm not sure it's that

another mistake above, showing 2 clues both 29 across.

are you sure the second one isn't 6 letters? I would have suggested Bridge. (the bridge is over the river Cam, making Cambridge the college)

could be Bases although I dont see where Cam fits in

Okay, thanks.

29a backs

supports, and the local name for the banks of the cam (backing onto the colleges)

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