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As The Tories Begin To Arrive At Their Conference.

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gulliver1 | 12:24 Sun 29th Sep 2024 | News
45 Answers

Thersa May and William Hague has warned those would be Tory leaders who are vying to replace Sunak as leader, that they need to acknowledge *The Huge scale of DEFEAT suffered by the Cons* On July 4th this year.And the Tories need to understand how resounding the GE DEFEAT really was and the monumental task it has infront of itself to ever get the Tories back into power again.



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The Tories have  been warned they have got stop thinking they have only got to change a little to win back votes They have to make big changes this time .....No more trousering tax payers money would be a good start,,Eh !

I think you ought to not start on about the Tories, in fact you'd be better to keep quiet supporting as you do the worst gevernment in memory (& beyond!)

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This is going to be a monumental uphill struggle for the Tories . Just because the Labour Party has had a few hiccups during their first three months in POWER does not mean we can relax until the next GE. The Labour Party will soon bounce  back.... as they always do.

\\This is going to be a monumental uphill struggle for the Tories . Just because the Labour Party has had a few hiccups during their first three months in POWER 


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The former PM TM.Says the Tories fail to see why they lost power in July. But the reason was this present Tory Party has trashed our Tory Brand losing it's reputation for integrity and competence.  In other  words they had their fingers in the Till OK.

Gulliver.  And Starmer and Co. are above reproach?

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Who's the young lady pictured in your avatar?  Is she a candidate for the Tory leadership?

One jumped ship yesterday. Well you will always get the odd weak kitten in the litter. Best they go now because KS can do without them, the road ahead is going to get tuffer, so of you go lovey. You can always tell when a PM is doing right, by the amount of moaners.

She is the ex Labour one that jumped ship.

I wouldn't say she was weak nicebloke.  She seems to have some morals which your Keir and some others don't seem to have.

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It's no good blaming Boris's Partygate and Liz Truss's disasterous mini budget .The Tories spent too long tacking to the right and forgot that they are supposed to be a centre right party    Get it!

gulliver: "This is going to be a monumental uphill struggle for the Tories . " - do you have the news on your planet? Within 3 months Labour have become less popular than the plague. The first of many jumped ship yesterday, at the rate 2TK is going he'll be lucky to last the parliament.

Anyone who falls apart over a new pair of gifted trousers is weak. I might add that the trousers didnt come out of the tax payers. Now if a con MP had dropped out because Sunak signed a 40 million pound contract for an helicoptor to fly him about in, then thats having morals because it was tax payers money :0)

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See what these Tories are like .Even before the Conference has started Kemi Badenoch has accused Robert Jenrick of playing dirty tricks by inviting others to have a pop at her to  his advantage .. This lot are like a load of school kids at playtime at the Tory school of radicalisation.

He hasn't a hope in hell of lasting until the next parliament.  Just three months in and his approval rating has hit a record low.

13:27 did you read her letter? ...and you picked out the freebie clothes thing? Right oh!

1.27pm - Jesus, it's like banging you head against a brick wall. What you and your ilk either don't get or refuse to get, is that it is not about the 10s and 10s of thousands of pounds in freebies Starmer has his grubby hands out for, it is the breathtaking hypocrisy of someone who was always whining about Tory cronyism, pledged to stamp out cronyism, and yet it turns out Starmer is one of the worst of the lot.


Why don't you lot get that? It's pretty easy to grasp.

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Get the popcorn ready we are in for four days of brutal clashes and infighting between the leadership contenders..Wonder if mophead will be there. ?? just asking.

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Jenrick's downfall will be trying to get out of the ECHR .

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