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Private Eye Eye Crossword 788 Thursday September 26Th 2024

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PJ62 | 20:15 Sun 29th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
6 Answers

Can anyone help with this clue? I have s-u-



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Thus = SOAn erection = UPStarter = SOUP
20:18 Sun 29th Sep 2024

Which clue, PJ62?

Thus = SO

An erection = UP

Starter = SOUP

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Thank you Canary42. I kick myself for not getting it!

Captain2: when I put the question I indicated Private Eye 788, etc in the required boxes, but for some reason it didn't show is my post!

PJ62, Yes I can see 'Private Eye 788' alright but can't see any sign of the actual clue, which makes it difficult for those of us without the magazine to answer.

Question Author

That's strange Captain2 as it appears Canary 42 could see it. Perhaps the wonders of technology doing its own thing!!??😆But anyway thank you for being in touch.😄

Canary42 could maybe see it for the same reason as I could - he's got  acopy or he's seen  the clue in one of the earlier posts on AB!

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Private Eye Eye Crossword 788 Thursday September 26Th 2024

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