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Eye Crossword N0 788

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Matakari | 10:06 Mon 30th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
4 Answers

Good morning, I’m stuck on the following for which I seek help. Many thanks in advance!

14a A short time taken by Hunt, yet devastated an English region (9) : T?N?E?U?H
21a Bloated corporation at end of the trail (9) : T?M?S?E?L
31a Ultimately, Senator Vance acted weird for a celebrated winner (3,3) : ?E???D
27d  Archer happy to get this meal when ditching date? (5) : I?E??



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you've got a few/many wrong crossers

red rum



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Thanks, quinol and newmodarmy, it's been fixed.

Matakari, a warning - I don't think yesterday's EV is one for you. The new CC puzzle looks more Matakari-friendly!

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Eye Crossword N0 788

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