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Liz Truss

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tomus42 | 00:18 Fri 10th Jan 2025 | News
6 Answers

Has apparently issued a cease and desist on the pm for saying she crashed the economy.

Fun fact - She's allegedly known as lettuce Liz because she lasted fewer days in office than a lettuce takes to expire past its sell by date.



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Sorry I forgot the question. Do you think her and Kwartengs budget crashed the economy.

CANARY, as this thread contains the substance of your closed thread, I will be deleting yours which means the link above will not work.

Some on here have claimed that Truss has a good case for defamation, in that the proposed budget was never implemented.

But if you are prime minister and propose some nonsense financial policy (to be enacted by your government) that will wreck the economy - who is to blame for that?

Reeves has proposed & will implement a financial policy that is wrecking & will wreck the economy.

she has a good case, Starmer said she crashed the economy but the mini budget was never implemented. She'd win, I hope she does sue his April off.

If he wants to accuse someone of crashing the economy have a butchers at Rachel from HR.

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