I AM WORK WITH WOMANS WHO KEEP SAY I AM NOT RIGHT THAT I AM think my wife stay at house and keep children do all peoples think this way i judge this is way all thinks all way be happen
Probably more of a cultural difference thing going on here. Many countries still see the woman's primary role as being the home-maker, bringing up the children and looking after the bread-winner (the husband)
Here in the UK, its more or less accepted dibras that wives will go out to work, indeed many don't have a choice...they HAVE to in order to have any standard of living.
ok my wife stay in house with my childrens and make dinner and sweep and i do not i am work mwomans at work think this be the wrong think and that i wrong to think
my work time is long and home is at late at 10 clock and on not monday and when i not work i do sweeps and makes dinners but on monday and other day i work i dont
my job new i was making tables in food and taking food and now i start in building with computer i work same thing when i came first to britain then in food but now back in building