the numbered clues amount to 32, "so primitive with little good sense if" is 32 letters, rambling indicates an anagram, 13 is Holmes - so we're looking for a memorable quotation by Holmes - Sherlock or Oliver Wendell? - I can't come up with anything so far
No problem - I enjoyed it! I used to do the Guardian every day but have long fallen out of the habit. Bunthorne was my hero and Araucaria my delight. Clueing Holmes from Sherlock and then expecting you to make the link to Oliver Wendell is fair game, but I don't like long quotations like that - where are you supposed to look that up on the 8.17 from Milton Keynes? The rules of the cryptic puzzle were laid down years ago by Ximenes - every second letter lit, no obscure words just for the sake of it, a limited number of anagrams and few, if any, quotations or foreign words except those that the average reader can reasonably be expected to know. So you have my sympathies and luckily we have search engines!!