Did anyone have as much trouble with this week's as I did? I got home about 3:15 this morning still dressed as D'Artagnan * ... and immediately the inspirational flash was there to finish it. Pretty good dedication eh?
( * Reminds me of one of the Carry On characters, Citizen Camembert ... "the big cheese")
Still struggling -- posted yesterday and no replies, but inspiration hasn't yet struck!! Couild you please tell me if the second answers are those which aren't used originally or the second answer in each pair of clues. Also could you get me on my way by telling me what 1a and 1d are in the completed grid and where to put wireless. Oh - Happy New Year!!!
The second answers are those which aren't used originally. The "first pass" basically tells you to rub it all out and start again using the other (second, unused) answers.
WIRELESS is a second answer entered at 35.
I started by noting that the 4th and 5th of the 8-letters cross with the 2nd and 6th of the 7-letters ... that pretty much fixed POOHPOOH and OPENERS.
Hope it helps, this is a good one well worth following through.
Still struggling because I simply cannot get "publicises journey to runway". I think the over-consumption of French red has made my brain more befuddled than normal!!