Bit off the wall, but we're planning on creating a community mosaic. The idea is that there will be a huge piece of card or plywood at this event that people can come and stick the mosaic pieces to. Has anyone ever been involved in a similar project? How did you decide a theme? How did you actually create the bits of mosaic pieces e.g. paper or dough pieces? How large was it? How did you finish the piece off so it would stand the test of time?
I wasn't involved directly but in a small community in west wales called Borth, they've done some beautiful community mosaics to decorate some of the sea wall, they used mosaic tiles, and chose themes relating to the area - eg wildlife, important buildings etc. A community artist was involved and supported the project
Thanks Cheeky. We've had community mosaics done in the past - community in the sense that they showed elements of life in the area and are displayed in public places. This is different in that we want people who are effectively passers by to actually come and participate in sticking the pieces of mosaic onto the background. We've passed photos one of our participants have taken on to the main designer of the pieces who will work on the project this weekend, I hope if the piccies are what she needs to be able to do her part.