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It's saturday!!!

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mistys | 12:24 Sat 19th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
Does it feel like saturday to you? My days this week have been all muddled up so just feels like a week day to me. Guess having to chop all the veg and potato's at work will change that feeling. Oh bu99er I have to go start now :o(

How are you spending your day? And do you have any nice plans for this evening??

Happy Saturday Everyone, may your day be filled with sparkles, sunshine and happiness :o) - xxxx


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dunno but i stood in cow crap earlier
Yes mistys , it's Saturday again , are you off to work did you say hun ? xxxxx
Hello mistys, oh you too sweetie! I hope work isn't too mundane and tedious, and that no-one pees you off!

I am spending my day studying, and my evening, oh and tomorrow too! But tomorrow I am also going food shopping. WooP! Oh, and to see a puppy. That makes me happy!

Rainbow wishes for you =) XXXX
Oh and to answer your actual Q, I have no idea what day it is! I have thought every day this week has been Friday. Except for Friday, which felt weird!

Hello mamma, how are you? xx
Euwww , bob , I bet that stunk . My dog rolled in fox poo last night and I had to use wipes to get most of it off , but boy does she stink , she's getting a wash and shampoo as soon as I get myself together to do it :-D xxx
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Aww thats unlucky bob!! Damn cow's eh!!

Yeah well I only have to walk up the hall, but still gotta start actual work!! Hope you have a good day mamma - xx

Work might not be too bad, the 'bosses' are going out, woooo!!! So I can slack off a bit, not that I don't when they're here, but I'll feel less guilty! Wow your weekend sounds like it's gonna suck more than mine leela. Try not to fry your brain too much :o) Give the puppy an air hug from me (don't touch it, I'm scared of doggies) - xxxx
Hi leelapops hun ;-) xxxxxx
morning mistys : ) I love saturday, it's my favourite day of the week... I'm off out later and a bonus it's not raining!
mistys, thank you! It does, yes. You should never feel guilty for slacking off! You deserve a break. Have you managed to get any sewing done? I will air-hug the puppy for you, don't worry! He is a staffy, anf I am told he is very sweet. Jack probably won't get on with him, but we can but try! xxx

Hey mamma, not caught up for a while! How are things with you? what have you been up to? And how much does Porsche smell this morning?! Jack isn't a 'roller', thank goodness. With all that hair, if he was it would be a nightmare!

sandrajo, enjoy your day out!
At the moment, all my days are the same: work or study, so when I am finished uni, I will be able to define my days more clearly, and in that case, Sunday would be my favourite!! xx
Hi mistys and everyone else x Yes it definitely feels like Saturday as I have a teeny tiny headache. Oh, and sore feet :)

I love the weekend but unfortunately I have got to work for a while tomorrow, have a great day!
Hello haysi, is Saturday the day where it all catches up with you?! I hope your headache stays teeny tiny, and doesn't develop.

Is it overtime you are doing tomorrow? I hope you enjoy today in any case. x
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Hello sandra, enjoy your day :o)

Not managed to get out to buy any clothes ready for me to destroy yet!! Will try one day next week before work , or may even shock horror ask for a day off!! I might get started on something I already have but am not too fussed about ruining! A staffy? Oh hell no, take back the air hug, those things are really scary to me!! Anyway enjoy your day - xxx

Aww haysi, I'm sure it was worth it :o) Hope the head eases off a little - xxx

I'm feeling quite sick, someone placed a 5lb bag of allsorts in front of me! I don't like the liquirice (spelling?) but the outside bits are yum! Have eaten way too many already!! - xxx
Morning is definately Saturday for me....I only have them every other you work in a kitchen,hun? the hours can be a bummer!! Hello to everyone here x
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Hey pasta,
Yup I am a kitchen slave!! I shouldn't complain because the job is so easy, but I dislike having to work saturday and sundays, also mondays, tuesdays, wednesdays, thursdays and fridays are a pain too!! But hey ho, I'll survive.
Have started on the veg, but got bored, so thought I'd take another break :o)
Have a good day - xxxx
LOL @ mistys....wish I had a kitchenslave.....I have to do it all in my kitchen....but hey-at least I am my own boss to some extent. Enjoy your day ! xx
Hey are you hun?
Oh haysi I didn't realise it was self-inflicted! Anyway I hope you feel better later ;) Food and sleep is always useful :)
mistys, poor doggy is only a baby! I know what you mean, some people just aren't keen. I will give him double hugs from me to make up for it then :P

Yes, take a day off hun, you more than deserve it. You should never have to work a full week without a break. You work too hard anyway! xx
Hi leela....I am fine hun. I don't envy you and your studies. I was 1/2 way thru an Open University degree.....but when i went back to work I found it impossible.....soon as my eyes saw the books, I would start to doze off!!
feels like a week day as i am in college getting some work done
Thanks leelapops...take your head out they books for a few hours and have a bit of fun! ; ) I'm off out now have a good day folks! : )
Phew , got the dog washed and smelling a heck of a lot sweeter , we are both worn out now !

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