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Who have you been told you....

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spaced | 16:53 Wed 23rd Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
94 Answers
...look like?

Pictures only!!! This will be fun for us who have seen each other on FB.

I shall start: - ers_cast/characters/grant_m/grant_mitchell_lar ge_1.jpg

and when I had hair... 7/039_45673~Giovanni-Ribisi-Posters.jpg


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Woody Allen - constantly as a teenager, less so now that I have a Number One crop of what hair is left.

A friend reckons I have morphed into Loyd grossman as i have got older - sad really, I was looking for George Clooney to be honest.
You do look like that first pic!
In the past I have been told by a few different people that I look like Nicole Kidman???

For those who have seen me Im sure will be as puzzled as me!
The only person I've ever been told I look like is Kate Winslet. But I can assure you I don't.
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Whiskey - Lucy Pinder, amazingly alike I must say!

I actually find looking like Grant "get outta my pub" Mitchell a compliment! Big bald hard man, yeah! Cheers Wishkey!
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Kate Winlset is lush
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It is a compliment. I fancy him! :)
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hahahaahaha! 3ight, you getting me funny looks from my boss, too funny buddy, too funny!!!
You remind me of someone, 3ight, but I can't put my finger on who...
I dont think i look like anyone . just me Mum.
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No one
with hair
george cloony
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I have been told that I look like Jamie Lee Curtis in her younger days %20lee%20curtis.jpg
without hair or teeth lol
harry hill
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Whiskey you are right, there is someone that 3ight does remind me off.......

*Spaced scratches his head*

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