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Whoops... misunderstood again.

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Bbbananas | 11:19 Wed 03rd Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
My senior partner has made a rapid blushing stumbling exit from the coffee room much to my confusion. All I said was "Phew... I must get my fan out in my bedroom tonight".
It's only just now I've realised he misheard 'fan' for 'fanny'. Great.

Should I go & explain things to him, or should I just leave things rather than risk making things a whole lot worse?


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LOL trust you salla!!
well seeing as how men are supposed to think about sex every 3 minutes, he probably had a vision of you naked in front of a fan.
Just an idea.
A girl I used to work with once said, "I was hot in bed last night" much to the amusement of the listening office.
Yeah lexie, doing the jive bunny :-)
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How do you know about my rabbit rinkins?
lol salla
thats ok my mate was told by a client he was going to a do where he works as it was 'the owners wedding' my friend got well excited thinking leona lewis was getting married in Norfolk
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Actually, in the privacy of my bedroom (well, the curtains are always open so......) in front of the fan, naked - I am more likely to be seen practising my limbo dancing than my jiving. Especially after the embarrassing incident in front of the whole of Yarmouth Quayside at the weekend.
Lol Salla- what a breath of fresh air you are :-);-)
Keep cool with your fan ;-) Sunny wishes, Bea :-)
i would leave things as they are.

you never know yer luck, :-)
Lol sallas !
Hee 4get , I had to read that a couple of times , but very funny once the penny dropped :-)
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Good thinking logic.
I might just get a pay rise......?!
Well that's a refreshing change, :-)
Never heard it called that before. Heard of it leading to one though,
sallaa...morning........if he wasn't a "fan" of yours before, he certainly will be now.

I cannot imagine a member of the Medical profession making a "blushing, stumbling exit"...........entry...YES!! LOL
i can't see why thats embarrasing for him surely lots of women get the fan/fannies out in the bedroom
Lots, all in the same room,?

Link please.
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I think it was the fact that I am an employee not a patient, and the fact I was sharing a rich tea finger with him and had previously just been making polite conversation about the weather.

He gets very easily embarrassed & flustered even though he may have seen many a fanny in his time.
Jesus christ

senior moments from a senior partner??

Heres hoping he doesnt mistake someone asking for a do tors note as someone lokking for some deep throat !!!!

seems doctors cnat write ,
cant hear ,

wtf can they do ???

Fanny Adams?!
it was probably the rich tea that did it then, i'm glad i don't work there i wouldn't be able to help myself!

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