Express Skeleton in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Express Skeleton

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flicrat | 20:31 Mon 13th Jul 2009 | Crosswords
3 Answers
5d Place key therefore first to end (5) G-E- -
14a Empty metal container (3) P - -
Why are three letter words often the hardest to get??
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5d G (key) HEN (Then minus the T) T (first letter of to) and the place is GHENT

14a P O T (PT = platinum metal) containing O (empty)
the HENT part is:

therefore = then
first (letter) to end => hent
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Thank you both very much, especially for the explanations. I was trying to make something with 'ergo'. (Mistake to have done Latin in one's youth, obviously!!)

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Express Skeleton

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