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lovatts stinker

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jubo | 19:55 Sat 18th Jul 2009 | Crosswords
3 Answers
70a, yoga posture, ??a?a
83a, loyal friend, ac?a?es
89a, necklace with a large centre stone, ri?????
220a, rumoured, b?u?ted
240a, laughing, r?a?t
2d, revert to bad habits, r???ts?
48d, relic, ?e????t
85d, us desert hill, m?sa
265d, coaltar liquid, ane?i?


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70a Asana
83 Achates
240 Riant
85 mesa
220 Bruited
89 Riviere
Not asking for many then? Closes August. Who will get the stars and thanks? Ask away, as usual. NO answers given in return.

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lovatts stinker

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