firefox / explorer problems in The AnswerBank: Technology
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firefox / explorer problems

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BertiWooster | 10:41 Mon 07th Sep 2009 | Technology
1 Answers
I recently had a message saying that there were updates ready for my pc - it was to update it to Internet explorer 8 .
I clicked yes and it was duly updated .

However , ever since , iv\'e been having problems with firefox loading pages
It refuses to load any pages most of the time - and on occasions it olny loads parts of a page .
Very frustrating because firefox was working perfectly without any problems before the explorer update .

As for explorer - when it does decide to work it is extremely slow in doing anything .

Does anyone know what the problem could be - are the two conflicting with each other somehow?
Is there some adjustments or something , I should be making somewhere - is there a problem generally with explorer 8 ?

Help please
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Internet explore & Firefox won't conflict . You could try a system restore to before the update concerned . In Vista type 'system restore ' in the search box at the start orb & follow the instructions .

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