Hello All - EV done but not enlivened by it. What portfolio? One has to has an income to have a portfolio - no final salary pensions if no salary - as many self-employed small business persons will tell you. Enjoy it, however it has reduced, there are a lot of people living on the streets who do not deserve to be and if you have ever done a Sally Army soup run, you will know these are not benefit dodgers I am talking about. Whatever riches you have, enjoy them, share them and appreciate them but don't brandish them.
Shrimps potted/frozen/given away/and fed to the Ginger Mog. Damsons ginned/jammed/given away. Cherry Plums ginned/pied/crumbled/bottled/given away. Beans, Cougettes, Toms Made into sludge (sort of Ratotuille(?))/souped/given away......................................................................roll on winter!