Sorry, everybody about sparking off such an argument. I stuck by the ODQ for much the same reason as kwyjibo, and because the reference in the preamble to '4,8,4,1,5,3,5' seemed to me to hint at a quotation. In most cases where extra material (such as unused extra letters) are employed there is not generally any indication as to word length. I saw Mysterons'r ef to 3814 but didn't consider it conclusive enough, and also , as definitions supplied in clues generally match exactly those given by Chambers, I was not happy about any of the possible words that suggested themselves. Finding the quotation gave me a PDM that seemed compelling in itself.
7lattens: in addition to the above, if or when you have identified the location of the 20 permutations, note that all letters appearing in them in each row must be different to give yiou 5 different bells.....