It's clearly a matter of opinion, but I view these advanced search engines as time and labour saving devices. 10 years ago I struggled to complete advanced cryptic crosswords such as The Listener on a regular basis because I didn't have the time to devote to them. They are so diverse in nature that it isn't as simple as 'learning to do the DT crossword' (which my parents taught me in the 1970s). If I know the answer to a clue is an anagram of 'bbbbinooorrssy' and is a famous person, it might spring out at me if I know the middle word starts with a 'b'. On the other hand I could plug the letters into The Advanced Anagram solver to save some valuable time. Or I could wait until I had some more cross checking letters to help, if time wasn't an issue that day. There are occasions when I have completed Azed or Mephisto without even referring to Chambers, but I defy anyone to do this on a regular basis ! Dictionaries, search engines and AnswerBanks are only cheating if they break the written rules of the competition in question, which of course they don't. You might be cheating yourself if you copied someone else's answers and sent them in under your own name, but you wouldn't be breaking any rules that I know of. I'm sure that with experience we will all become less reliant on external help and as a result 'better' solvers.