My 14 year old border collie has taken very little water over the last few days. I took her to the vet's today, she didn't think it was a problem and said she is not dehydrated. I'm still concerned about it, has anyone had any experience of this? Thanks, Wendy.
She's obviously getting sufficient fluid through her food intake, so I doubt that there's anything to worry about. I used to have a (rescued) cat which had lived with me for over 3 years before I ever saw him take a drink. Many animals get most (or even all) of their water through their food.
do you think perhaps she is drinking rain water while she is outside doing her toilets our old gsd would drink out of anything that contained soft water rather than out of her bowl
Dogs that are fed tinned dog food, especially, drink surprisingly little. (That tells you just how much water there is in it) You should worry if the dog suddenly starts to drink a lot of water, for no apparent reason. That may signify something serious. But a dog won't drink too little ; it won't dehydrate itself.
Thanks for your replies. She's always enjoyed water and to suddenly stop drinking does baffle me. She has tumors on her mammary glands, the vet says these have grown over the last few weeks but doesn't think the two issues are elated. I'm just worried about her.
Thanks, Wendyxx