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Belfast telegraph prize crossword 1/5/10

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donegore | 19:11 Sat 01st May 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers
Dear everyone, can any of you help me with the last two clues to the Belfast Telegraph prize crossword competition (1/5/10)? Firstly 10 across - 'report of bad conditions is authoritative' and is 8 letters long, and I have the following letters already R - I - N - - -
The second clue is 7 down - 'he made the woman turn a certain colour' , this one is five letters long and all I know is that the second letter is E. Would really appreciate a reply - it has to be in for Wednesday (so doesn't leave a lot of time!)

Best wishes



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7d henna he + ann backwards
19:12 Sat 01st May 2010
10a REIGNING - sonds like raining
7d henna he + ann backwards
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Many thanks for all your help!


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Belfast telegraph prize crossword 1/5/10

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